Adverse Reactions to Diversity – Portfolio exercise #6
Course: Cultural Diversity
Code: LSSS N205
Name: Abdullah Sultan
ID# H00269055
With a partner, please
answer the following. You may use internet resources to help you.
1. Define:
Stereotyping : its mean you take an idea for a
lot of people from small group
Prejudice : Prejudging a book by its cover it could be a positive or negative attitude.
Bias : To influence someone or something in a way
that is unfair
Discrimination : it
is a behavior where it treats people unequally.
2. Give an example of each.
1- All doctors are smart
2- All emiraties are rich.
3- Black People are good at sports.
4- All weightlifters are dumb
Watch Class Divided
ü Understanding
With partners, answer the following:
Where, when and with whom did this
experiment take place?
In 1950, primary
school in a grade 3 classroom
Describe the experiment.
It was by the different
in the color of the eye in one day the teacher say the child with blue eye
Smarter than the brown
and in the next day the teacher say the brown eye is smarter than blue
What were the results?
Each of them heat each author , Finally they realize there’s no different
between the blue and brown eyes.
How successful do you believe it was?
I think it was Very successful and they learned that there is no racism
Going Deeper - Extra
In groups of four, discuss the following:
Ø a time she or he experienced
prejudice or discrimination
I was
in America, when I tell them I am from Dubai every time they ask me about how it's beauty but they
saw us as strangers !
Ø a time she or he discriminated
against somebody else
A lot of people hate the Iranians residing in the United Arab Emirates , there may be a distinction between them and I've seen a lot of these problems.
Ø a time she or he
witnessed discrimination and did nothing about it
I have seen a Saudi man hits a cleaner Indian because he did not complete his work to the fullest
Ø a time she or he witnessed discrimination and did something
about it
I saw the manager hits worker in the shop because he was delayed in attendance to work , so I went to the manager and advised him and also went to the other person and i eased his pain by using some beautiful words